How To Make More Cash Working In-Home Health Care

For the most part, everyone wants to make more cash. There, we said it.  

Your life might not revolve around the all mighty dollar, but it's an excellent feeling knowing all your bills are paid, and you still have money in your bank account. 

Now, there are several ways people earn cash these days like:

If these side hustle jobs don't quite fit your style based on your medical training background, you can always make more cash working as a freelancer in the in-home health care industry. 

How is this possible? Let's break it down. 

Accept More Patients

When an in-home health agency sends over a patient referral, the intake coordinators input all the information into the system and broadcast the work opportunity to the hundreds of clinicians in the area via the Gento app. 

When this occurs, a notification will pop up on your mobile device. The announcement will present three options: "Accept," "Details," and "Dismiss."  

  • If you want the opportunity, click Accept. 
  • If you need more information, click Details. 
  • Or, if you don't want to make more cash, click Dismiss.  

The more patients you're able to accept responsibly, the more money you'll earn. 

Make More Cash

Go Outside Your Coverage Area

While clinicians go through our onboarding processes, they will establish what zip codes they're willing to see patients in. Sometimes, an in-home health agency will send a referral of a patient that lives in an area outside of our clinician coverage.

When this occurs, the Gento case managers will reach out to numerous medical professionals that reside five to 10 miles away and offer them extra cash to compensate for their travel.

You could potentially make $5 to $25 extra per patient - factor in three to four patients per day, and you're looking at some significant coin.

Master the Art of Oasis Paperwork

Having to complete loads of paperwork can be super tiresome. In several cases, most industries don't pay out extra cash for paperwork their employees complete. 

In the in-home health industry, you can earn $45 to $65 extra for completing the Start of Care Oasis paperwork. Good luck finding that deal anywhere else. 

Expand Your Zip Code Coverage Area

Do you remember when we mentioned accepting patients outside of your coverage area to make more cash? Well, this sub-header relates to that one.   

Instead of waiting for a case manager to reach out to you regarding staffing a patient outside of your coverage, you can go into your Gento app and expand your service area and add zip codes that you're willing to travel too.    

After you log into your Gento account, click on My Profile on the left side of your side. Scroll down to the Coverage Area section. Here, you can modify your mileage radius and zip codes based on your preferences.   

It's that simple. 

Make More Cash
Coverage area section in the Gento App.

Stay in the Loop

Since Gento is a technology company, things continuously change, which is good.
Because of stuff changing so often, it's important to stay in the loop when company updates arise.

So, make sure you have your in-apps notifications turned on to get all the Gento alerts if you want to make more cash.


  1. SEO Services

    29th Jan 2020 - 2:23 PM

    Awesome post! Keep up the great work! 🙂

    • Gento

      29th Jan 2020 - 2:26 PM

      Thanks for reading.

  2. Anonymous

    30th Jan 2020 - 5:55 PM

    This is so informative, thank you!

    • Gento

      30th Jan 2020 - 6:38 PM

      Thanks for reading the post! Let us know if you have any questions using the Gento app.

  3. Linda Buchanan

    1st Feb 2020 - 1:43 AM

    Loved reading this Info. I try to stay in the loop by texting one of the case managers frequently. I am hoping for some patients this week. If their is a better way to "stay in the loop" please let me know. I check my app all day long. I like the idea of earning a little a little more if I go beyond my coverage area

    • Gento

      3rd Feb 2020 - 2:06 PM

      Hi Linda,

      Thanks for reaching out. I informed the case managers of your interest. Good to see you've fully onboarded with us. Expect more opportunities soon.

  4. Josefina Coulbourne

    7th Feb 2020 - 4:11 PM

    This blog about Gento | How To Make More Cash Working
    In-Home Health Care has helped me enormously, its a very good topic.

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