To err is human. With that said, there's no protection from a professional mistake without having a medical malpractice insurance policy in place. As a healthcare provider, it's vital to know that even a minor mistake can have severe consequences, not just to your patients but also for your whole practice. Since there is a decent likelihood that you will face a malpractice claim at some point in your career, can one small mistake ruin it all just like that?
There's a difference between what a business owner pays in taxes vs. what their employees pay. Business owners don't get a paycheck but they still have to pay Uncle Sam.
Are you interested in succeeding in business? Reading these 12 books could be the perfect start when creating your first business plan.
In general, outsourcing is the best option for practices that understand the value of their medical staff but lack sufficient resources to support or create one in-house.
Sweden, Denmark, and Canada are some of the countries known for having above-average healthcare. So, where does the US rank in all this? Nowhere near the top.